I have the following wind sensor (RT240): http://www.nrgsystems.com/FileLibrary/829de7ea934944f09798ad2830abfa65/RT240_and_RT20_Manual.pdf
It has a 8 pin connection cable and I'm trying to receive/send data from a PC by using "Full duplex pin assignment" at page 9. I want to convert RS485 to RS232 for communicating with a PC.
The point is, I'm kind of lost between protocols and interfaces in this manual. I'm trying to use RS485 interface and I have the following converter I-7520A (at page 14): http://ftp.icpdas.com/pub/cd/8000cd/napdos/7000/manual/7520.pdf
If what I'm trying to do make sense, here is how I connected the connector pins to the RS485 converter:
Here is how I connected the cable connector pins to the RS485 converter:
Pink (RXD-) to 5 TX-
Yellow (TXD-) to 7 RX-
Red (Control con.) to nowhere
Grey (RXD+) to 4 TX+
Green (TXD+) to 6 RX+
Blue (Analog ground) to nowhere
White (Supply Voltage - ) to 10 and they the together to + of 24V DC
Brown (Supply Voltage +) to 9 and they the together to - of 24V DC
First of all, when I power the sensor and the converter I can’t hear any sound from the sensor where I supposed to hear tickling sound normally. It looks like it doesn't power up unlike the converter. And I also don’t see any data from the PC serial port by using Windows HyperTerminal.
I’m really lost, could anyone guide me how I can use RS485 interface with this sensor and convert it to serial. There is also SDI-12 protocol in the manual which I have no idea about.
What I was trying to do was to use RS485 protocol for this sensor and receive send data in ASCII format. Could anybody give me a little help? It looks like I'm doing something fundamentally wrong here.