I'm currently working on a project to create a sustainable energy system. I have come up with a design to the system.
A model house will be produced and on top of the house there will be solar panels, however I would also like the solar panels to tilt towards the direction of the light. In order to do this I will need some sort of hydraulic mechanism; to tilt the solar panels. Could someone suggest a type of hydraulic mechanism? For this part I would require using solar panels, light sensors and some sort of hydraulic mechanism, in order to tilt them to the direction of the light.
I was also going to use a wind turbine to harness some wind energy that will be produced.
I have also come up the idea to produce a miniature water wheel; these will work when it’s raining
I was also thinking about producing a small dam, however I wanted the flow of the water to be dependent, on how much energy will be produced by the other systems. After doing a little bit of research I came to the conclusion that a micro controller could be programmed, in order to do this automatically. could anybody suggest a suitable microcontroller that could be used ? I also know that when programming a micro controller it uses a very low form of a programming language. so would I be able to write my program in a higher programming language and be able to use a compiler to produce the code necessary.
I have also got a budged of £20( approx$36) so I wouldn't be able to use an Arduino or a raspberry pi. All of the wiring a circuitry will be done on a breadboard. Could anybody answer some of the question that I have? also does anybody have any suggestions and improvements. I have also attached a diagram in case people are still confused.