
Which camera module will interface with STM32F7 Disco board? The connector on the board is a 30-pin FPC/FFC 0.5mm.

Could the OV2640 be adapted for this?


1 Answer 1


From STM32F7 User Manual, page 16:

A connector P1 with the DCMI signals is available to connect a camera module such as STM32F4DIS-CAM (ST order code)

So the camera module that recommended by manufacturer is STM32F4DIS-CAM, see this ST page, Digikey, or other distributors.

For your questions:

Could the OV2640 be adapted for this?

I think the answer is Yes. There are many projects on the web that connecting OV2640 to STM32 family module, for example this with DCMI or this without DCMI.


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