I'm wondering the possibility of a circuit where there is a varying input voltage to a DC buck converter, that would output a constant current with varying voltages?
Let me explain via this diagram:
A simple buck convert circuit:
simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab
The output voltage \$\ V_o\$ is now less than \$\ V_p\$(or \$\ V_i\$), however, the output current is now higher than the input current as that is the functionality of the buck converter. What if I introduced \$\ V_1\$ in series with\$\ V_p\$ after some time \$\ t\$, is there a way to output the same current with the following: \$\ V_o + V_1\$? With \$\ V_1\$ as one of the input voltages(meaning can't have it in series with the output).