I bought an MSP432 Launchpad from TI, and I'm surprised you can't search for "MSP432 Launchpad pin map" and get a table of the digital pins, their addresses, and their variable names in the standard library. There's a "blinking led" example that uses a variable P1OUT
that apparently represents the onboard LED. I am trying to modify the example to use pin 6.0 instead, but I can't figure out what address or variable to write to. Is this something I should find on Google, or is there some kind of convention that I'm unaware of? Thanks in advance.
EDIT: to be clear, I was expecting to have a resource somewhere like the following:
p1.0 0x0000AEF9 P1_0
p2.2 0x0000AEFA P2_2
p2.3 0x0000AEFB P2_3
... etc