I have some pepper seedlings I'm starting indoors and I'd like to set up an oscillating fan for ventilation. I found an old one in my garage meant to plug into the cigarette lighter of a car. It's rated 12VDC 0.8A.
I cut off the end and wired it to a 12V 3A LED power supply and it works, but it's very powerful and there's no speed adjustment. I have a box full of power supplies and the two that I think might work are a 6VDC 1.66A adapter and a 7.5V 2.1A adapter (I couldn't find a 9V one powerful enough). I know a the motor can draw much more than .8A at startup, so ideally it should be double, but I wanted to know two things:
1) Can I run a 12VDC motor on 6V or 7.5V without burning up the motor (or my home).
2) On an unrelated note: if I had a 9V 2A and a 9V 3.5A power supply, they'd act the same in regards to the motor, right? It just draws what it needs?
I've tested both supplies on fan and both start it fine. I tested a 12V 1A power supply and it failed to start the motor.
Thanks for any assistance you might be able to provide on this project.