We have a bank of LEDs from a flashlight that plug directly into 4.5v. There's 8 LEDs on a circuit. I'm trying to get them to run off a 9v battery by just connecting the wires from the circuit board (it works fine when connected to 4.5v battery pack). So basically I just need to put a resistor in between the 9v battery and the circuit, but I'm not sure which one to use and I don't want to blow the LEDs.
I tried a 270ohm resistor, but they would not light up. I'm thinking that I probably need to add the diode forward current of 20mA together, which would be 160mA, (as there are 8 LEDs in the circuit) this would mean I should use a 33ohm resistor? Is this the right way to think about it?
Can anyone confirm that a 33ohm resistor would make sense in this case, or do I need a different one? It's for a child's project and I don't want to just test it and risk blowing them.
Thank you!
Here's some photos.