This question is from an exam to this year official university access tests (see here, in Catalan):
In Catalan:
Connectem en paral·lel una reactància capacitiva de 100 Ω i una reactància inductiva de 50 Ω. El conjunt s’alimenta d’una xarxa de 100 V. Quina és la potència reactiva consumida pel conjunt?
We connect in parallel one capacitive reactancy of 100 Ω and one inductive reactor of 50 Ω. The set feeds on a net of 100 v. What is the reactive power consumed by the set?
Possible answers was 0 var, 100 var, 200 var and -100 var, being correct one 100 var.
My question is: when we talk about reactive power, we can talk about power consumption?