First off I'm new when it comes to connecting electronic circuits. I'm sorry in advance if this question sounds unworthy or irrelevant.
I'm building this project as a hobby, and I ran into a problem when connecting relays. This is the relay he has used in the video "8 channel relay control panel PLC relay 5V module", and this is what I have purchased:
And Output from Relay to irrigation pumps
My question is; in the output side of the relay, where does the power for the +ve and -ve for the pumps go? In the video he has used a 3 piece terminal block to connect the power.
I'm guessing that O is the output which takes in the pumps +ve. Which one of the two does the -ve go in? I'm using a DC pump so I need to be careful so that it won't short-circuit and fry my chip and the board.