I'm attempting to write an interrupt to keep basic time measured in ticks on an STM32F407VGT (Discovery Board.)
My interrupt appears to run once (though I cannot be sure), but it then crashes/locks up the processor completely. All UART output stops...
The code is essentially the same as in "The Definitive Guide to the ARM Cortex-M3, 2nd ed." (Joseph Yiu, Newnes.) Could the fact that the STM32F4xx is an ARM Cortex-M4 be a problem? If so, how do I fix this? I initially tried using TMR2, with similar issues, which makes me think it's something I'm missing. I've also tried using SysTickConfig, with the same problems.
uint32_t ticks;
void SysTickAlarm(void)
SysTick->CTRL = 0;
* Initialise system timer
void tick_init(void)
ticks = 0;
*((volatile unsigned int*)(SCB->VTOR + (15 << 2))) = (unsigned int) SysTickAlarm;
SysTick->CTRL = 0; // Disable SysTick
SysTick->LOAD = TICK_DELAY; // Delay for 10 ms
SysTick->VAL = 0; // Clear current value to 0
SysTick->CTRL = 0x7; // Enable SysTick+exception and use processor clock
* get_ticks: Get the number of ticks since processor initialisation.
uint32_t get_ticks()
return ticks;
main() calls tick_init() then starts spitting out printf("ticks=%d\n", get_ticks());
in a loop. But it stops fairly quickly, I get around 10 lines before it crashes.
I'm very new to ARM processors, so it's probably something very simple, but I can't see it.
*((volatile unsigned int*)(SCB->VTOR + (15 << 2))) = (unsigned int) SysTickAlarm;
is for, but I'm not certain. \$\endgroup\$