So I have built a custom PCB with a NRF24L01+ 2.4Ghz transmitter breakout board on it. I have heard the modules are incredibly sensitive to input voltage, so I have it connected to its own dedicated 3.3V regulator and a 100uF tantalum capacitor. When I turn this board on, I still have a significant amount of drops per minute. When I take the tantalum capacitor off the SMD pads and solder a 100uF Aluminium Electrolytic capacitor on the pins of the breakout board, the problem seems to go away.
I have the schematic and board shown below.
After doing a significant amount of testing, I have found the following results and plotted them on the following graphs. I let each test run for 10 minutes and then averaged the drops per minute. I kept one of the NRF modules on another PCB connected to a Aluminium Electrolytic capacitor on its pins, and changed the others capacitor configuration.
Can anyone tell me why this is? I can't figure out why just moving the capacitor from the SMD pads to the pins of the NRF increases stability. I also don't understand why an Aluminium Electrolytic capacitor would be better than a tantalum capacitor, but that seems to be what the data is showing.
Another issue that I found is that when no capacitor is connected to NRF module at all, this line of code stalls and stops. Anyone have a clue why that might be?
if (!radio.write( &myData, sizeof(myData) )) { // Send data, checking for error ("!" means NOT)
Serial.print("Transmit failed "); //When Capcitor Not Conencted, Code Freezes in this if Statement;
RF_Flag=false; }
If anyone can help me with any of these issue that would be greatly appreciated! I cannot seem to figure out why this is.