I am confused as to how to choose the receiving end voltage for a short line approximation
For example if i have a 220kV transmission line at 50Hz at 60Km. At the end of teh line theirs a load of 50MW and the lines impedance is Z=5+6j. The question asks find the sending end voltage using Vs=VR+ZIR. I can do the calculations all fine etc. The problem i have is what would i select my Recieving end voltage to be?
Do i do 220kV or do i do something less than 220kV, does it matter at all if i choose less than 220kV since as the transmission line is 220kV does this mean the line wants to see 220kV along it (like example 220kV is seen in the middle of the line and the sending end is higher and recieving end lower?)
Hence i am confused as to what to choose for VR as its not given, all that is stated is the line voltage being 220kV for the transmission line. What does the transmission line voltage mean?
When i state i have a 220KV transmission line does that mean the end voltage of the line is 220kV
Note i know to get Vr its line to neutral voltage but to just get the concept what line to line voltage would be used
- This question i state is made up by myself for understanding purposes
Thanks In Advance