How many PWM outputs does the Atmega4809 really have? The Microchip site claims it has 8.
The datasheet for the Atmega4809 microcontroller is split up into two pdfs. This one is for the megaAVR family. It describes the timer configuration for generic timers used in PWM. This one describes a few specifics of the pin layout for the Atmega4809.
For PWM, the Atmega4809 has:
- One 16-bit Timer/Counter type A with dedicated period register, three compare channels (TCA)
- Four 16-bit Timer/Counter type B with input capture (TCB)
- One 16-bit Real Time Counter (RTC) running from external crystal or internal RC oscillator
From what I understand, the one TCA timer has PWM 3 output channels and TCB timers each have only one output channel. That makes 7 PWM output channels. Does that mean the real-time counter (RTC) can be configured as a PWM output?