I've couple of questions regarding the buck converter. I've been trying to design a buck converter for MPPT circuit which is in Low side switching configuration, as shown in the below diagram.
simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab
The voltage source shown in the circuit diagram is the PV panel voltage. The block shown is Arduino Nano whose ground is connected to the power ground of the panel. The mOsfet is driven by TLP250H opto-coupler low side mosfet driver with pwm signals generated from arduino. I need to take voltage feedback across load. But the problem is I'm confused where to take the reference and how to measure the voltage across load to feed the feedback signal to arduino. I've tried measuring the differential potential across Load and the power ground using two potential dividers across the pv panel and ground and load ground. But when measuring the potential difference across the load- and ground, the obvious result was a switching waveform as I'm trying to measure across the Mosfet drain to source terminals directly. Please help me solve this issue in getting the voltage across the Load resistance/ across the filter capacitor.
Another question.. The voltage waveform across the capacitor is a clean DC along with spikes with peak-peak voltage of almost 6V. How do I reduce the spikes from the output waveform and what type of capacitor should be normally considered for a switching converter of this kind.
Thank you very much for your help.!