I read some about a full wave rectifier on this website and when it got to the section of smoothing capacitor, and showed this graph and schematics:
It was also said that:
Here the 5uF capacitor is charged to the peak voltage of the output DC pulse, but when it drops from its peak voltage back down to zero volts, the capacitor can not discharge as quickly due to the RC time constant of the circuit.
This got me thinking about the mathematical analysis of this circuit, because I wanted to know what the time constant is. I assume it is not T = RC like in a resistor-capacitor series circuit, but something else.
So I assume the circuit can be shown like this now:
simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab
Only now V1 isn't really a sine function but rather this:
I have Googled for a the math here but I couldn't find much, the best thing I found was this, showing how to find the impedance or current in the circuit.
My questions are:
How can I describe the source (V1 in my circuit below), the output of the bridge rectifier, as a mathematical function?
What is the time constant here?
Here is something I'm very confused over. If the voltage is equal in a parallel circuit, aren't the waveforms supposed to be the same? How is the waveform of the voltage on the capacitor different from the one on the source (again, V1 in my circuit).
Thank you.