
If a DAC has a gain error of ±0.1% of FSR and an offset error of ±1 mV.
Operating range 2.7-5.5 V with a reference voltage of 4.096 V.

How would I convert that ±0.1% of FSR to LSB? The datasheet doesn't give it in LSB units.

Is there an equation? The only one I know is: $$ LSB = \frac{FSR}{2^n-1} $$


1 Answer 1


If \$p_\%\$ is the quantity in percent of \$FSR\$ and \$xLSB\$ is the correspondent representation in LSB:

$$ 1 LSB \rightarrow \frac{FSR}{2^n-1} $$ $$ x LSB \rightarrow \frac{p_\%}{100}\times FSR $$

$$ x LSB = \frac{p_\%}{100} \times (2^n-1) $$

An example from SLAA013 - Understanding Data Converters from Texas Instruments: ... offset error, gain error, integral nonlinearity and differential nonlinearity. Each can be expressed in LSB units or sometimes as a percentage of the FSR. For example, an error of 1/2 LSB for an 8-bit converter corresponds to 0.2% FSR...


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