I have tried to make signal amplifier just to gain some op-amps knowledge, but unfortunately it doesn't work. It simply doesn't reach desired voltage (set by resistors). I have used my old cellphone headphone audio output as an input for op-amp. The OPA454 was powered by +/-15 VDC from two 5V to 15V step-up conventers. The wiring looks like:
And SSs from scope with different gain. Please see peak-to-peak voltage below graphs:
For some reason it can not exceed 10V peak-to-peak even through it should (based on my poor knowledge). Why it does so? One more thing is that I use adaptor so that it is possible for me to plug OPA454 to breadboard, but I am pretty sure it is designed / soldered correctly. I have tried swapping opamp to another one but it does't change anything. What could be potential issue?