I am working on a board that uses LTC3891 as a buck converter to step down 24V to 12V. There is quite a significant oscillation at the switching node, upstream to the inductor which I am curious about. The inductor does a great job of cleaning up the ringing and the output 12V rail is very clean and steady. But still I'd like to understand if this ringing is normal at the switching node or not.
I've at least rooted the oscillation down to the output capacitances of each FET forming a tank circuit with the inductor. The calculated resonant frequency matches the frequency in the scope capture. I've tried adding a 1k resistor in parallel with the inductor to dampen the ringing and this does help but not a whole lot.
Attached is a snapshot of the schematic and a scope shot of the switching node, upstream to the inductor.
For a little more info, I've changed the high side FET gate resistor to 20 ohms which cleans up the ringing on the rise time, so I am not concerned with that.