I'm trying to calculate what I will have to set my microcontroller's ADC sampling rate at in order to sample a band of 500kHz to 1.6065MHz without aliasing. Some constraints here are that I have to work with only 3 high gain-bandwidth product op-amps (conceivably at my level of expertise this means designing a maximum 6th order filter or 3 2nd order stages cascaded) and the maximum sampling rate the ADC can do is 7MSPS in a triple interleaved mode.
I read in a reference book that for a 10 bit ADC the average attenuation at the end of the transition band and beginning of the stop band should be about 62dB down. From the equation for a butterworth filter I work out the sampling rate as follows:
\$A_{min} = 62dB = 20log_{10}(1+(\frac{f'max}{fc})^6)^\frac{1}{2}\$ where \$f'max\$ is the frequency the stopband begins at and \$f_c\$ is the cutoff frequency \$1.6065MHz\$. The power 6 comes from the filter order.
\$(10^{\frac{62}{20}})^2-1\ = (\frac{f'max}{fc})^6\$
\$f'_{max} = 17346kHz (17.3MHz) \$
and according to my reference source \$F_s=2f'max\$ meaning Fs needs to be like \$34MHz\$
This seems really high. Is there a flaw in my math or my reasoning here? It seems that the higher the filter order the lower the sampling frequency needs to be but due to the 3 opamp constraint I can't implement something upwards of a 10th order (for a 10th order filter I work out Fs = 13MHz) and the ADC does a max of 7MSPS.