I was watching a tutorial about this MCU (TM4C123 dev board), but I don't understand where they got the memory location address from. All they are doing is switching the built in red LED on the board on and off.
They are setting bit 1 in the GPIODATA register (see attached image of the datasheet for this register) with the address 0x400253FCU and writing a hex value of 0x20U to it. They then clear the bit by writing 0x0U to the same address to switch the LED off (there are time delays in between off course).
My question is, that I don't understand where the offset of '3FC' comes from? I am used to just writing down the offset given in the datasheet. In this case I thought it would have been 0x40025000U.
I think I am misunderstanding something due to the fact that this is a 32-bit MCU.
Thanks for all help everyone.