I am wanting to create an amplified speaker system with a subwoofer.
I am fairly new to electronics and this is complicated for me so please be as descriptive as possible and patient with me. The internet has been my guide, so some of my knowledge may be incorrect. Any additional information required I am happy to provide.
I am understanding most of the amplifier circuitry and am following
this tutorial on creating it for the correct components.
Edit: Now using D class thanks to user110971 recommendation
I was wanting to use this subwoofer that takes to a max power input of 100W, as stated on the document.
My issue is finding/building a DC voltage regulator that will suit this speaker using a standard Australian 240V power socket. It would be best if someone could direct me towards a pre-made regulator if possible as I don't want to breach any government regulations.
Part of my problem is that I am unsure of how to obtain the correct voltage/ampage from the watts required. (FYI I know about the W=I*V formula, just cant see a way of solving my issue with it as I only have W)
Any links to tutorials providing an overview of building regulators or constructing an entire amplifier including regulator would be much appreciated. Even giving me directions to general electronics books that I can obtain would be helpful.
Many thanks to user110971, Justme and Swedgin for thier help on my issue.
A quick recap of the solution for anyone wondering the same (I wish more people would do this XD)
As outlined by user110971 I needed to use a D class amp for such high wattage as 'the transistor would melt'.
Again, user110971 provided feedback on using the SMPS (Switching Mode Power Supply) as a voltage regulator.
Justme clarified my misunderstanding of the speakers power draw (Its 50W)
Swedgin provided me with useful links I recommend checking as well as alterations to the circuit to improve its performance.
Thanks all for the quick and helpful support!!!