a friend of mine developed this Schematic and Circuit.
The Problem is, on LIN_BUS (please ignore the Name) should be KL15 Volage (13.8V) if the FET switches.
But if FET1_CNTRL is LOW (0.0V) the Output Voltage @ LIN_BUS is 800mV
If FET1_CNTRL is HIGH (3.3V) the Output Voltage @ LIN_BUS is 800mV
Here is my MCU Config:
Here is my Code and the Voltage on the BSS123.
HAL_GPIO_WritePin(FET1_CNTL_GPIO_Port, FET1_CNTL_Pin, RESET); // = 13.6V 0V @ D-BSS123
//HAL_GPIO_WritePin(FET1_CNTL_GPIO_Port, FET1_CNTL_Pin, SET); // = 13.6V 3.3V @ D-BSS123
Very strange. Does anybody have a suggest what is faulty here?
If 3.3V on BSS123 the Gate on IRF9362PBF is 0.0V If 0.0V on BSS123 the Gate on IRF9362PBF is 13.2V
Added some Load. Got a meassurment fail yesterday. So Drain on IRF9362PbF is allways 800mV. Anyway in which state BSS123 is.
I added 5V / 12V / GND directly to the Gate from IRF9362PbF, but still no changes on Drain side. Tested with different hardware but same result.
I reversed the Tips from the Measurement Tool and connected the GND Cable to the Drain. and the Plus Cable to Vss.
Now I measure +13.8V But in both BSS123 States.
Checked with different Hardware. But same result.