I'm trying to refine a SPICE model for TIP35C and TIP36C and I'm looking for some trustworthy curves to supply points for the model wizard.
I found the models here, but they seem not to be working properly on MultiSIM for some reason and the gain seems kinda larger than what I saw on some datasheets back then.
Then, checking again, I saw the datasheets don't agree with each other.
The datasheets from ON Semiconductors and Motorola both use this same graph for this pair (actually the whole datasheets are exactly identical):
This graph has some issues. The values at the side of the axis are pretty off. Take for instance the Y axis, it has 3 major ticks at 10, 100 and 1000, and the minor ticks between them correspond to 2 to 9 times the value of the last major tick, as it's standard in those base 10 log axis. But the values on the side don't match their respective ticks at all.
Anyway, correcting that, I reverse-engineered the graph to find that the max hFE in both reaches around 300, and the values on that curve don't quite match the values the datasheet itself says it has on some points (it says the typical gain at 15 A is 40 but in this curve it's over 60 for both transistors).
These datasheets also lack a VBExIC curve, which I needed. Then I found two other datasheets, this time from Power Innovations and Savant (which use 2 slightly different but greatly matching graphs) where the hFExIc look like this for both transistors of the pair:
My question is: Which of both is more trustworthy?
I know the second one use a pulse technique, but 300 us looks like a quite long pulse for me. Could all this difference arise from that alone?
And even then, which one should I use in the model wizard?