I have been working on building a DC/DC converter for an ESP32 using an LM2596.
With a few prototypes out in the wild I'm seeing them reboot randomly.
Having the circuit back on my desk with a scope I'm seeing the output of the LM2596 spike more then I would expect. I have designed the circuit within specifications for the LM2596 with an assumed current draw of between 500mA to 1A.The scope readings were done without the ESP32 connected.
As you can see, with a desktop power supply I'm seeing spikes of up to 3.74V and as low as 3.0V. It seems like this could be causing the issue with the ESP32 as I'm aware that they can be sensitive to input voltage.
I assume my design is causing the issue as when I use an off the shelf LM2596 power board like this one, I'm seeing a much smoother output
I'm considering adding an LC filter to the output of the LM2596 but I'm trying to understand why my design would be causing this much noise in the output from the regulator.
- What could I change to address this issue and where is my understanding gone wrong?
- Would an LC filter fix the problem or is there a design flaw with the regulator circuit as is?
The board layout looks like this, I omitted the other components in the schematic as I didn't feel it was relevant.