What happens if a MOSFET (n type) is used for the output of a 100 MHz oscillator for the pins G and S from my knowledge MOSFET uses voltage in Gate to control the Drain and Source current unlike a transistor which uses current for Base and Emitter to control current in Collector and Emitter.
Since MOSFET's G and S acts as a capacitor in which allows AC to pass throw for example IRF830 which has Total Gate Charge of 22 nC also Gate-Threshold Voltage of 4 V will it oscillate with the 100 MHz oscillation and oscillate the D and S current with a load (Hoping to put a tungsten blub there)?
My circuit diagram
R6 needs to be adjusted so that the G and S capacitor oscillates within the Gate Threshold range
Also when a very small tungsten blub (X-mas decoration type blub) is connected to the output of the 20 nf capacitor to ground it glows faintly. MOSFET and R6 R7 is not connected yet to the circuit. When I search the web everyone uses transistor to amplify the RF power but I don't have any high frequency power transistors and I don't like TO5 type transistors they are so hard to make a heat sink.