It would pick up audio from all mics in parallel sharing the drain (electret+) pullup R that may need to be adjusted to get full range at V+/2. (phantom DC power to 12V Zener thus 6V is ideal on electret for gain and max swing.) (not necessary, but possible)
This is a balanced electret version with +=drain and - source between two matched 2k2 resistors.
However, amplitude phase may not be coherent in higher range of f and can create nulls when amplitudes are equal and out of phase or add amplitudes when in phase. This is also partly due to the amount of open rear air filter designed to attenuate distance audio pressure yet be more sensitive to front pressure from direct line to source. Walls can also induce echos or cancellation for lower frequencies to a lesser extent. First determine how much far field attenuation you get with a distant speaker swept using Audacity FM or sweep generator and record and compare all mics. Some are very well-balanced, so the rear cancels the front by 40 dB which is good for blocking ambient noise in the distant and preventing feedback from speaker monitors. Conversely, blocking the rear inlet makes them very sensitive to distance audio, which is good for conference type calls with a room of people.
Electret mics are not high quality and differences in performance must be tested before installation using a sweep from a good tweeter in a sound baffled room then measure the response of each then paired using audacity to see if my assumptions are valid or not for your application.
But by careful testing with room dynamics and a good speaker, Audacity and different mounting locations, testing each location for differences in the "spectral response plot" then re-testing with iterations, and considering different R2 values, you may find the right attenuation needed to prevent clipping and amplitude/phase response without phasing errors.
I cannot verify if your schematic is optimal for multiple electrets.
Avoiding RF noise and grid hum is also important. Read
For minimum hum pickup the two 2k2 bias resistors should be perfectly matched.