I would like to use the TCP/IP protocol (with LwIP, HAL library, without freeRTOS) in a project but I face some portability issues. I'm starting with TCP echo client example as in chapter 6.1.1 of UM1713 document. I used the 1.26.2 version of STM32 HAL firmware and was able to transmit data to my server. I could test transmission of data, ping and DHCP work fine. Hardware is a Nucleo-F429ZI.
But now with the 1.27.0 version it no longer works. No ping, no DHCP, no data transmission.
I did a lot of tests and readings on this forum but nothing seems to be working as expected. I found that no packet could be sent.
For example, In debug mode I put a breakpoint in HAL_ETH_Transmit just after WRITE_REG function. With a fixed address (no DHCP), I try to ping the board from my PC. The breakpoint is reached as soon as the ping is sent, so, packet seem to be received, driver builds response as expected, but there is a DMA error or timeout, and packet is never sent. The DMA status register shows that there is a FBES error (bit 13 and bit 23 & 24 are set) DMA status register as also bits 17 & 18 set : Receive process state FSM seems to work normally.
I'm really close to the default CubeMx configuration. I'm missing something in this configuration but I don't know what. Has anyone faced this issue? Or have any idea where I should look?
Pending an answer, I'm changing the firmware to 1.26.2 but this is not a durable solution as I would like to keep the project up to date.