I am using the Explorer 16 Board for building a Accel connected by I2C . Currently I have only the I2C part done and I am trying to tap scl1 & sda1 using oscilloscope. The accel has to connected yet to the the MCU!
But on oscilloscope I dont see any signals on both SCl1,SDA1, any help ? here is the code :
UINT config1 = 0,i=0;
UINT config2 = 0;
/* Turn off I2C modules */
CloseI2C1(); //Disbale I2C1 mdolue if enabled previously
ConfigIntI2C1(MI2C_INT_OFF); //Disable I2C interrupt
config1 = (I2C_ON | I2C_7BIT_ADD );
config2 = 157;
OpenI2C3(config1,config2); //configure I2C1
while(I2C1CONbits.SEN ); //Wait till Start sequence is completed