I am an undergraduate student in electrical engineering. I just started working with a DAQ (PCIe 6341 connected to SCB68A) which can output analog signals (sine, triangular, square.)
When I output 2 Vpp, 1 kHz sine wave and connect it directly to the oscilloscope, I get this:
(FYI, my DAQ has an update rate of 900 kHz, so the above signal is composed of 900 samples per period.)
When I connect a 470 ohm resistor to the DAQ signal and measure the voltage across the resistor, I get this:
I noticed that the voltage is almost halved, which seems to imply to me that the output impedance of the DAQ is close 470 ohm, which seems way too high to me. More importantly, I have no idea why my sine wave is distorted like this. This also happens at different frequencies and amplitudes.
Can someone explain why this is happening and how to fix this issue?