I am looking for the most efficient solution for transferring data from ~100 individual ESP8266 WiFi modules, that have sensors connected to them, to my Raspberry Pi Pico W.
This will be used for a watering system for an outdoor garden. Each plant will gave its own temperature sensor and water valve.
I would like to constantly retrieve the sensor data from all of the devices, as well as send them information if need be (i.e. watering cycle time). I would like to go wireless as it seems to be the cheapest/easiest option for me, however, I am unsure what would be the right framework for this. I started out with a simple socket connection, but it quickly became a nuisance once all devices needed to make a connection.
I also tested out MQTT, however, the big issue I had was if two sensors sent data at the same time, (which I would like them to be able to do) the Broker may only receive one request. I am looking for a solution that has, possibly, more of a queuing system, such as SMTP.