Broadly: An application I am working on requires a specific function of a common peripheral. I know that this function is optional in a big family, but short of visiting every single SKU's datasheet, how can I know which parts do include it?
Specifically, I need a "PWM fault input" which asynchronously and quickly pulls the PWM line low. Two families of the MSP430 microcontroller include a "Timer Event Control (TEC)" module (as seen in the MSP430x5xx and MSP430x6xx Family user guide Rev Q). However, this is only present on timer D, and I cannot find a way to search for that. Similarly, Microchip AVR chips may have a "Timer/Counter Type D" which does include this fault input. However, even going into something such as the AVR Microcontrollers Peripheral Integration Quick Reference Guide only tells you about how many 8 and 16 bit timers there are, which is not helpful as timer type D is 12 bits (other timers may be 12 bit too). No hints found on a supplier website such as digikey, as visiting two parts that include this functionality AVR64DD32 and MSP430F5172, you can see that in the peripheral section a generic "PWM" qualifier. I would like to also look at NXP MCUs, but at this point this is starting to be a big time sink.
The purpose of this question is not to get recommendations for MCUs that include this (although feel free to comment that), but I want to know what approach you may have to finding a generic function in a sea of microcontrollers, which may help in getting one that is more fitting for the overall application.