I am using an op-amp as a differential amplifier to find the current draw of a load by measuring the voltage across a 0.1 Ω resistor that the current goes through. I set it up using this schematic:
R1 and R2 are 1.1 kΩ and R3 and R4 are 10 kΩ for a 10× gain. There is a 0.1 Ω resistor between V1 and V2, the load is connected to V1 and operates at 12 V, pulling a range of 370 mA to 3 A. I am using an OP177, powered off +24 V.
For the most part the circuit works across the range I need it to: from a Vdiff of 90-290 mV, Vout is 0.88-2.94 V. However, any Vdiff under ~90 mV results in the same Vout of 0.83 V. It seems like the op-amp has a certain voltage differential threshold between V1 and V2 required to operate correctly, but I cannot find anything in the datasheet that talks about this.
Can someone verify that this is an actual spec rather than something I did wrong in my circuit, and if so, how do I find this value in the datasheet?