but what is the current limit
There is no limit because the inputs act as an open circuit when disabled. So if you apply any voltage between GND and VCC, only a very tiny leakage current will flow. The chip’s design limits how much leakage there will be at any given temperature.
This leakage is independent of what is the maximum current rating of the supply that feeds those inputs. There’s almost no load, so almost no current flows (a few µA).
The only way to make any appreciable current flow into or out of the inputs when disabled, the input voltage would need to be outside the GND and VCC limits. If that happens, the current must be externally limited to a few mA per pin.
I imagine you’re mixing up the maximum current a power supply can provide with the actual current that will flow in a circuit. In this case, with the chip disabled, or with the output(s) open, no DC current will flow.