I have the circuit below working in LT Spice and on a breadboard. It appears to be working as expected - but I'm now at my theoretical limits so I need some help developing and testing it from here 1.
My question: When selecting components to develop this circuit - what are the most important op-amp and transistor specs I should be looking at to ensure it can get as much input current to the output as possible? You're welcome to specify some potential components.
I need a single-supply, non-inverting, summing op-amp config that outputs voltage at unity gain - but that is also capable of handling 'as much current as possible' (sorry I can't specify an exact figure here at this point).
It will combine the DC outputs of multiple renewable energy sources e.g. solar panels, wind turbines, etc. I'm currently testing it with two small solar panels that each output a maximum of approx. 12V and 7W but I need to significantly increase that.
It'll eventually run off a 24V supply. - I know the op-amp won't output 24V with that supply but I think that's fine for this application for now.
It will be connected to a MPPT charge controller which will be charging a 12V (or possibly 24V) battery - so it needs to provide enough current from input to output for that to happen 'optimally'.
The schematic below is where I'm at right now 1. It's based on a combination of a single-supply summing config 2 and a buffer that I also see described as a current booster 3. I understand the summing config is not technically 'unity gain' but V In == V Out.
For now - I'd be happy seeing this circuit getting 2x 12V inputs @ 50W ea. from input to output if that's possible?
1: Current Config: Single Supply, Non-Inverting, Unity Gain Summing Amp w/- Current Buffer/Booster
2: Design reference 1: Single Supply, Non-Inverting, Unity Gain Summing Amp
3: Design reference 2: Current Buffer/Booster
Microchip: Non-Inverting Summing Amplifier
Electronics Hub: Non-Inverting Summing Amplifier
Renesas: Boosting Op-Amp Output Current
All About Circuits: How to Buffer an Op-Amp Output for Higher Current