I'm trying to build a tachometer using a hall effect sensor which will later be an input for an Arduino. At this stage I'm still just bench testing the sensor. I bought the sensor on ebay, the listing reads that this is a 44E variant. The sensor has 3144 243 printed on it.
I wired the sensor according to the data sheet, but couldn't see any voltage at the signal output with or without a magnet by the sensor. Then I saw an online thread that says the signal output is high or low relative to positive. So I tried the following circuit. Now the signal wire does go high or low, lighting the LED as I move a magnet around. However the LED stays on or off even once I move the magnet away, only changing state if I move the magnet back towards the sensor with the opposite magnet pole first.
- Why is the signal not relative to ground as the data sheet says it should be?
- Should the state revert once the magnet is moved away without having to flip the magnet around?