I am trying to build a circuit to regulate temperature for a few microheaters. Here's the circuit I am using:
This is a constant temperature controller circuit often found in the research papers and online articles. When the bridge is balanced \$\frac{R1}{R2} =\frac{R_{pot}}{R_H}\$ By changing \$ R_{pot} \$, we can change the the operating resistance (temperature) of the microheater \$R_H \$.
If there is a disturbance (cooling, wind ), the microheater Temperature will decrease, thus unbalancing the bridge. However, the Op-amp feedback will regulate the current that goes to the Wheatstone bridge and brings the bridge back to balance, thus keeping the microheater temperature constant.
Now, the problem is, if I connect a single microheater to any of the four op-amp, it works as expected. However, if I try to connect four microheaters to the four op-amps, not all of them work. Why do they work individually but not when run at the same time?
Also, If I apply a small voltage (~1.5V) pulse to the op-amp output pin, the circuit starts working again. It’s as if I have to apply a small voltage to boot the circuit.
What could be a possible reason for this, and how can I avoid it?
I am trying to understand if it's something to do with this particular op-amp, or something more fundamental.