There seems to be some debate on emphasizing the importance of impedance matching for maximum power transfer vs maximizing signal to noise ratio with receiving antennas. Some vote for one, some state that maximum power transfer from an impedance matched termination will maximize SNR.
Would connecting a low impedance antenna (75 ohms or less) directly to an emitter-follower (no transmission line) with a high input impedance (600 ohms+) be a valid design approach? It seems that one can ignore such a mismatch as the unloaded antenna signals will be still replicated at the emitter follower output.
The output impedance of an emitter-follower is proportional to emitter current, which can be quite a mismatch from 50 ohms (for example). Could a series 50 ohm resistor be placed between the 1nf caps and primary phase dots on "B" to force a "50 ohm output impedance" regardless of the emitter-follower design? What drawbacks would this approach have?