I'm considering upgrading my dad's old tablet, which currently has a micro USB connector. The issue arises from his habit of frequently misplacing the charger, and I'd prefer not to rely on an external adapter.
My plan is to retrofit a USB-C connector, making it more versatile and allowing for charging using a standard phone charger. Naturally, I aim to connect both the D+ and D- pins for battery testing, as well as the CC pins. Given that the tablet lacks full USB power delivery support, my requirements are limited to power provider and power source functionalities.
After conducting some research, my proposed solution involves adding lines from the CC pins to resistors Rp and Rd. Being relatively new to electronics, I'm curious: is this approach feasible? To my understanding, omitting connection to the TXp, TXn, RXp, RXn, dp, and dn lines of USB 2.0 and 3.0 should not cause any issues. I welcome opinions, suggestions, and validation of my approach. Thank you in advance.
PS: Apologies for any grammatical or stylistic errors; I'm still learning English.