I have a pair of +10.5V and -10.5V linear regulators (XC6216DA52PR-G and XC6902NA51PR-G respectively, both in the SOT-89 package) wired up as shown in the first schematic. The input power is from a dual +/-12V supply provided via a 16 pin IDE connector, the wiring of which is shown below in the second schematic.
I have an issue where my entire circuit powers up fine when the IDE connector is plugged in directly downwards connecting both +12V and -12V pins simultaneously, or when one side is seated first such that +12V is connected, followed by GND, followed by -12V. However, if the IDE connector is connected such that -12V is connected first, then GND, then +12V, the -10.5V regulator comes up fine and I see -10.5V on its output pin, but the +10.5V fails to come on and only outputs 0V on the output pin.
Is there a way to resolve this problem so that both power regulators come on regardless of which order the pins in the power connector come into contact?
I did try it again without the reverse current protection mosfets and experienced the same issue.