Let's say I have following circuit
where the transistors are controlled via a software in the microcontroller.
I have been looking for a control algorithm how to achieve a state when both of the upper transistors are open (turned on) and this state has been achieved without transient in the LC circuit. It is worthwhile to say that both of the inductor current (\$i_L\$) and capacitor voltage (\$v_C\$) are measurable.
I have tried a naive approach when I open both of the transistors when the capacitor voltage (\$v_C\$) is equal to the source voltage (\$v_{bat}\$). Unfortunately this approach doesn't lead to success - the transient in the LC circuit occurs as can be seen in the attached graph.
- As far as the decrease of the capacitor voltage \$v_C\$ in the time interval \$<0, 0.18>\,\mathrm{s}\$.
The voltage decrease is caused by transistor switching in the below given circuit
which is connected in parallel to the capacitor. The transistor is controlled also by the software in the microcontroller. The idea behind gradually reducing of the capacitor voltage was to balance the capacitor and battery voltage before opening (turning on) the upper transistors (I supposed that it should be sufficient for elimination of the transient).
- As far as the nominal values of the passive elements
\$R = 19\,\mathrm{m\Omega}\$, \$L = 1\,\mathrm{mH}\$, \$C = 3.36\,\mathrm{mF}\$, \$R_b = 1.32\,\mathrm{\Omega}\$.