I have a question related to DALI power supplies. I am implementing a circuit to convert the uC voltage levels (0-5 V) into DALI bus levels (0 - 16 V) in order to implement a master for DALI protocol.I have found this circuit, but I have several doubts .
The section highlighted in red corresponds to the polarising of the MOSFET in order to communicate the power supply with the DALI bus by shorting the grounds. I can also see that the Zener and the 47K resistance are used to provide a stable supply to the MOSFET.
But the circuit formed by the BC817 transistor and two 4.7 ohm resistors seems incorrect to me as it should be similar to the ones you have provided before, which limits the current on the base of the BJT with the aim of limiting the output current. The way this topology is implemented, my impression is that all the current will flow through the 4.7 ohm resistors and the BJT will be useless in this case.
Is it true what I am saying or dou you think this circuit is correct and has another use?
Many thanks.