I have an ESP32 that I want to power with a 18650 battery, which I’d like to recharge using a solar cell. The TP4056 charging module works perfectly until I connect the ESP32. At that point, the battery completely discharges and cannot recharge.
I’ve seen that some people use the 3.3V pin with a MCP1700-3302E as a low-dropout voltage regulator. I’m planning to order one to test it, but I don’t understand why the ESP32 drains the battery so much, even though the solar cell is charging it at the same time.
Solar cell:
- Power: 0.6W
- Working Current: 0-120mA
- Short Circuit Current: 125mA
- Operating Voltage: 5V
- Short Circuit Voltage: 6.5V
- 80x55mm
ESP32-C3 Development Board ESP32 SuperMini:
- 5v pin connected to usb.
- Measured 40/50mA (with wifi enabled, no data transfers)
TP4056 5V 1A Mini 18650 Lithium Battery Charger Module:
- Input voltage : 5V
- Charging cut-off voltage : 4.2V ± 1%
- Maximum charging current : 1000mA
- Battery Overdischarge Protection Voltage : 2.5V
- Overcurrent Protection Current of Batteries : 3A
Short Circuit Voltage: 6.5V
... short circuit voltage should be 0 V \$\endgroup\$