I want to make a program who toggle a led using compare mode, set output on match (CCP1IF bit is set). I dont know if it is possible what i want to do. Anyway the RB0 is always ON. I know, it must be ON because when the value loaded in ccpr1 register matches with the value of tmr1 register the RB0 is set. But if want to reset the RB0 output ? I have doing this in interrupt() function writing the next statement : ccp1con=0b00001001; And now the RB0 stay always OFF.
#include <system.h>
void interrupt()
if((pir1 & 0x01) && (pir1 & 0x04))
clear_bit(pir1, 0); // clear TMR1IF
clear_bit(pir1, 2); // clear CCP1IF
ccp1con = 0b00001001; // clear output on match
void main()
trisb = 0xf0;
portb = 0x00;
tmr1h = 0;
tmr1l = 0;
ccpr1l = 0x60;
ccpr1h = 0xEA;
cmcon = 0x07;
t1con = 0b00000001; // prescaler = 1
intcon = 0b11000000;
pie1 = 0b00000101;
ccp1con = 0b00001000; // set output on match