I have a PIC18F2550 that I'm trying to get a simple hello world type program to run on. The code is configured to flash an LED on and off with 250ms delays in between the cycles. I have a 4Mhz crystal attached to pins 9 and 10 with 2 18pF capacitors. When I attach my oscilloscope to the output pin and power on the chip, I can see the high low signals go from 0V-5V for about 3-5 seconds then it just flat lines.
If I power the chip off for a while and plug it back in, it starts to work again, but after 3-5 seconds it will go to 0 again.
What can I do to troubleshoot this problem?
I should also add that after repeating the whole process several times (i.e. powering on and off the device), it eventually won't turn on the output at all.
I've tried multiple PIC18F2550 chips with the same software and get the same effect, so it's not the PIC processor.
I'm thinking this must be a hardware issue since the software was copied from a working sample. In case someone thinks it is a software issues, here's the MikroC code (although I don't think this is the right Stack Exchange site for source code):
void main() {
TRISB = 0; //Make all PortB pins output
PORTB = 0; //Turn off the port
PORTB = 255; //Turn on the port
Here a (very) rough schematic of the circuit. I have the scope hooked to pin 24.
Here are the parts that I'm using