I'm trying to build simple fsk transmitter and receiver, the transmitter is just an FPGA
with a wire, the logic is quite simple, I mix (with a XOR) the transmission frequency with a lower frequency, thats create some distortions which can be picked up with a simple FM receiver.
The receiver is based on the TDA7000 (yes I know that's obsolete) with a fixed tuning frequency. Here is the received spectrum for two different case, the peak at 1.1 KHz
should indicate logic LOW
and the peak at 1.6 KHz
should indicate HIGH
, the peaks are about 300mV
, but I guess it may vary
Note that there are distrotions at 2.1 Khz
and and 3 Khz
How can I feed the signal to an FPGA, which should count and identify the frequency, with a minimal number of parts, I guess LM741
is too much for that kind of task.
How do I deal with the distortions?
Any other suggestions?