Been using Altium and multi sheet projects for a while. My latest project involves a lot of signals so I'm trying to keep things tidy using lots of labels, ports, busses.
So I have a bus for enable signals going from the microcontroller sheet, to the stuff that needs to be enabled. And the same for fault conditions, current senses and so on.
I have like 4 of the same for different busses. Now Altium keeps saying that all the NET labels on the port side are floating. Nothing I can do about this: I tried everything I could think of, but still I have some 20 floating nets. In the next pic you can see the multi sheet connections I made: a repetition of a sensor sheet, all 8 of them hooked on a bus, and the bus going to the microcontroller.
So I haven't got anything floating really, yet Altium still sees it that way. Why is that?