Background on this question is here: What can I do to decrease the latency from these serial ports which are attached to a PC via a Serial to USB adapter?
I'm looking at purchasing an Arduino Due to take in 3 (well, ultimately 5, but currently 3) serial signals, one rs-232 and two rs-422. The point would be to get accurate time stamps before sending them on to a real computer for processing.
The due has a USB port, but I'd presumably have to put something together that could let the microcontroller access the serial signals.
I happen to know bupkis about hardware, though. This isn't a plea for someone to draw me up wiring diagrams (I don't actually know if wiring diagrams are relevant to this problem, and I couldn't read them [yet] if you did). I just don't have the language to research this. I would presumably have to solder things together? A serial port (x5) to a circuit board of some sort? Would the Due let me do three serial inputs? Could it support five? More importantly, how can you tell? (I'm kind of guessing that since the Due has 54 pins, and a serial port has 9 each, and 5 * 9 = 45, that the Due could support all five devices. Am I on the right track?)