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2 votes
4 answers

How does the current travel in Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT)?

I am completely unable to understand the current direction in npn transistor. in figure 1, the red arrow indicates the electron flow(which is from emitter terminal to collector terminal). thus ...
Saad Anwar's user avatar
14 votes
7 answers

Is there any reason to use junction or Darlington transistors for power applications?

In quite a few Arduino examples, you see people using junction transistors to power a motor. In this case, for example, he's using a Darlington transistor:
Dov's user avatar
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4 answers

Making voltmeter accepting bipolar input voltage, using a microcontroller

I want to build a very simple voltmeter using ATMEGA328 ADC. I can successfully measure up to 20v (using a voltage divider), but the problem is, I don't understand how to measure the voltage properly, ...
0x29a's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Orientation of "bipolar" capacitors on PCB

I've come across a video on a popular and well-respected electronics channel on Youtube where they say that even bipolar capacitors have a preferred orientation in a circuit that minimizes hum and ...
bs448c's user avatar
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3 answers

Pulse oximeter design: How to drive a bi-polar LED having two different forward voltages?

My lab partner and I are building a pulse oximeter for our capstone project and could use some help. I have an ELM-4002 which is a bipolar LED with the following specifications. The two LEDs are ...
Riley Hagerstrom's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Why do bipolar electrolytic capacitors have a long and short lead?

Ok maybe not all, but the Nichicon UES series of bipolar "audio-grade" electrolytic through-hole caps have a short lead and a long lead.. Why? The datasheet has nothing to say about it. This ...
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2 votes
1 answer

This is exactly the wrong way to connect this DC circuit breaker, is it not?

This is another little spin-off question of the main one: DC breakers does polarity really matter? where I want to avoid that it gets flagged as a question that's moving target. One answer that has ...
Gunther Schadow's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Modelling transistor V_be and bulk resistance

I'd like to calculate algebraically the DC behaviour of various bipolar transistor circuits that used matched pairs or quads (exponential converters, current mirrors etc.), taking into account the ...
Chris Johnson's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Bipolar signal used in differential ADC

I'm trying to find a way to convert a bipolar signal from a load cell (Futek) to an input for a differential ADC on a TIVA microcontroller(TI TM4C123GH6PM). The load cell's amplifier outputs a bipolar ...
Connor Herron's user avatar