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2 answers

STM32 not starting when supply voltage not dropping to zero

I am facing start-up issues during power on for the STM32L433. When voltage comes from zero everything works fine. But, if I disconnect the power supply from the wall socket and its internal ...
IGtti's user avatar
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MOSFET switching causes MCU reset

I designed a small USB board with STM32F072 MCU. There is a P-channel MOSFET driven by the STM32 that is supposed to power an external board (with only nRF52832 module and a few ceramic caps). When ...
Jaryn6909's user avatar
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Brown-out detection with an external clock ATmega1280

I'm using ATmega1280 with an external clock and I have some questions about the "safe operating area" for preventing EEPROM corruption with BOD. The external clock is: Crystals 14.7456MHz ...
Daniel Surizon's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Microcontroller working voltage + brownout circuit

I'm working with LPC1769, but this applies to any MCU. The datasheet states that the power supply range is from 2.4V to 3.6V. The included brownout detection circuit triggers a warning interrupt ...
Roland Korg's user avatar
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Is Brownout Reset Circuit a standard or optional safety feature in an MCU?

I've been using STM32 MCU's without paying attention to the BOR circuit: Some datasheets indicate that the device has a built-in BOR circuit but some doesn't include such an information. Is it ...
ceremcem's user avatar
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Minimizing mosfet interactions and overshoots. A case study

I'm back again with another headache of my own creation. It seems I'm constantly learning things the hard way. Straight to the point questions: I've noticed that my reverse voltage protection ...
bathMarm0t's user avatar
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MSP430 GPIO behaviour on power off

I have a simple circuit which contains an MSP430 connected to a DAC8551. I'm using PORT1 so have implemented a bit-banging approach instead of using the USCI module (bad, I know). I've noticed a ...
jrandj's user avatar
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3 votes
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What could cause unexplained brownout resets?

Context I'm building a 7kW bidirectional two-stage switching converter. Each stage has its own control board and processor. The entire system runs off a common 24V rail. Isolation stage Two H-...
Stephen Collings's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Using reset controllers with modern microcontrollers

Are reset controllers necessary for modern microcontrollers, such as the LPC2138 or 9S12XD256? Most ARM processors I have seen have their own brown-out detectors and reset properly, and I don't see ...
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