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Questions tagged [brownout]

A drop in supply voltage below the minimum operating voltage. Use for questions about designing circuits to be tolerant of brownouts, properly reset components after a brownout, etc.

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1 answer

5v led string going brown!

I am installing 5V 1903 chip 3-wire LED-strings in model buildings and have constant issues with Brown-outs and getting white to be #)*% white. Have also used WS2011 which are pretty similar and cross ...
Oliver Kellow's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Voltage Supervisor IC for PIC

Im using a DS1233A IC with a battery (Li-Ion 4V) powered PIC18F26J50. The battery powers a LM1117 3.3V regulator. The problem i have is when lights go out for long period of times, the battery ...
ndelucca's user avatar
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0 votes
3 answers

Brown Out Problem in Raspberry Pi Over Power Tether Cable

I am in the middle of making my own ROV with six DC motors as the thrusters. The main controller inside the ROV is a microcontroller that is connected to Raspberry Pi that can send and receive ...
Antonius Perdana Renardy's user avatar
39 votes
8 answers

In what situation should I keep the brown-out detection feature OFF on a microcontroller?

When the power supply on a microcontroller falls under a certain threshold, a brown-out conditions occurs and RAM may get corrupted. Provided that every power down sequence of the circuit can mean a ...
m.Alin's user avatar
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1 answer

MSP430 GPIO behaviour on power off

I have a simple circuit which contains an MSP430 connected to a DAC8551. I'm using PORT1 so have implemented a bit-banging approach instead of using the USCI module (bad, I know). I've noticed a ...
jrandj's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

What could cause unexplained brownout resets?

Context I'm building a 7kW bidirectional two-stage switching converter. Each stage has its own control board and processor. The entire system runs off a common 24V rail. Isolation stage Two H-...
Stephen Collings's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Minimum voltage to avoid EEPROM corruption for ATMega328P

I have a battery powered contraption with an ATMega328P with Arduino code that sleeps most of the time. Occasionally it needs to write some values to EEPROM. It's battery powered so I have tried to ...
rslite's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Brownout (low voltage) Detection on msp430F2274

I work on a Texas Instruments msp430f2274 with a battery. I want to know, when the supply voltage is low. I found information about a "Supply Voltage Supervisor" but apparently it is not present in ...
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7 votes
3 answers

Using reset controllers with modern microcontrollers

Are reset controllers necessary for modern microcontrollers, such as the LPC2138 or 9S12XD256? Most ARM processors I have seen have their own brown-out detectors and reset properly, and I don't see ...
QuestionMan's user avatar
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22 votes
2 answers

What is a brownout condition?

I'm reading the datasheet of this DAC. Page 27 states: In many industrial process control applications, it is vital that the output voltage be controlled during power-up and during brownout ...
Randomblue's user avatar
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